"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters," Col. 3:23.
By: Carol McClain @carol_mcclain
For many years, a man I'll call Quinten attended our church. Life damaged him. Not only cognitively impaired, Q suffered many emotional abuses. Drugs compounded the issues, and then he gave his life to Christ.

Back in town one night, Q attended a CR meeting (Celebrate Recovery, a Christian variation on AA). The man who was supposed to give his testimony didn't show up. Our director, dismayed over the situation, asked for volunteers from those who attended.
As you can guess, Quinten was our only volunteer.
His testimony, which should have lasted about thirty minutes, went something like this:
"I'm Quinten and I had a problem with drugs. But I found Jesus Christ. Now I'm loved. That's all." He headed toward his seat.
Obviously, this didn't give us much information to work with when we'd break down into small groups. To the audience, Quinten's ability to testify didn't matter--only his success did. The group determined to give him a victory for volunteering to talk when no one else would.
A woman raised her hand, "How did you find the Lord?"
Quentin answered.
A man asked him a question, and Q answered. Then another person asked, and another, and another.
Fifteen minutes later, Quentin sat after receiving a standing ovation.
Not a perfect testimony or presentation, but he gave sacrificially all he had to help others. His humble pursuit in obedience to Christ's calling ministered as much as any polished preacher's sermon.