By: Carol McClain @carol_mcclain
If others love us unconditionally?
Every night, I curl into his arms and purr into his chest. Why do you love me?
With exasperation, he sighs. How can he articulate what he feels in the deepest core of his being?
Neil has no reason, no explanation. He loves me because he does. I don't have to do anything or be anything other than myself.
Still, I insist on driving both of us crazy rather than dwelling in the unfathomable, unconditional love of my husband.
And so it must be with God when we refuse to accept the pure and complete pardon He's given when we try to atone for past sins and current mishaps.
Then what about God?

The serpent deceived Eve when she ate of the forbidden fruit. He told her she'd be like God (Gen. 3:5).
I posit that when we try to make ourselves perfect to earn God's love and His forgiveness and acceptance, we are making ourselves like God.
Not good.
Bask in His love, and if you abide in him as the fruit abides in the vine, He will make you holy.
Quick Tweets
Perfectionism is the original sin. (click to tweet)
Do nothing and be loved. (click to tweet)