Ash preserved the torment of the humans who had lived there. The ash shells were filled with plaster, and the exhibit made me cry as though this disaster just happened.
A world of sermons and lessons and contemplations exist in the exhibit I saw. However, one stands out the most:
To get their clothes clean, these people used pee! Having no clorox or bubbling suds or whatever, they resorted to ammonia. Ammonia is a primary component of urine. Not only did people pee on their clothes, they collected it from total strangers.
Large urns (old-fashioned urinals) lined the street. When the urge hit, the populace used it. These urns were brought to the laundromat and launderers stomped on the laundry in their bare feet!
In case I haven't mentioned it: YUCK.
Since then I've learned, from my pastor no less, that this is an age-old remedy for many things.
- Rome believed urine to be theraputic. Thus these troughs could be accessed by anyone to imbibe. Giant urine fountains for their health!
- Gypsies used cow urine to cure Bright's disease. Maybe that's why the Romanians aren't found of this ethnic group.
- Yogis and Lamas from Tibet extended their lives by drinking their own pee.
- A book titled One Thousand Notable Things describes the use of urine to cure scurvy, relieve skin itching, cleanse wounds, and many other treatments.
- An 18th century French dentist praised urine as a valuable mouthwash.
- In England during the 1860-70s, the drinking of one's own urine was a common cure for jaundice.
- In more modern times, the Alaskan Eskimos have used urine as an antiseptic to treat wounds